GAPWM2   1,880  -  0 
GAPWM3   1,240  -  0 
GAPYM2   1,200  -  0 
GAPYM4   1,160  -  0 
GBOAMSMR2   11,110  -  0 
GEJWM1   2,622  -  0 
GEJWM2   4,030  -  0 
GEJWM3   2,756  -  0 
GEJWM4   2,560  -  0 
GEJYM2   1,200  -  0 
GEJYM3   1,000  -  0 
GKIWM1   1,820  -  0 
GKIWM2   3,776  -  0 
GKIWM3   3,970  -  0 
GKIWM4   1,100  -  0 
GKIYM2   3,500  -  0 
GKIYM3   1,120  -  0 
GKUWM1   1,480  -  0 
GSAWM1   3,145  -  0 
GKUWM2   4,645  -  0 
GKUWM3   1,700  -  0 
GKUWM4   1,700  -  0 
GKUYM1   1,480  -  0 
GKUYM2   4,130  -  0 
GKUYM3   6,515  -  0 
GKUYM4   1,700  -  0 
GKUYSB3   9,715  -  0 
GSAWM2   4,745  -  0 
GSAWM3   2,684  -  0 
GSAWSS4   3,200  -  0 
GSAYM1   3,145  -  0 
GSAYM2   6,160  -  0 
GSAYM3   2,516  -  0 
GTAWM1   4,440  -  0 
GTAWM2   4,405  -  0 
GTAWM3   1,920  -  0 
GTAWM4   1,100  -  0 
GTAWSO3   1,550  -  0 
GTAYM1   1,480  -  0 
GTAYM2   5,929  -  0 
GTAYM3   1,120  -  0 
GTAYSB1   2,800  -  0 
GTAYSB2   10,390  -  0 
GTUWM2   5,958    0 
GTUYM2   6,160  -  0 
GWAWM1   1,340  -  0 
GWAWM2   3,823  -  0 
GWAWM3   1,200  -  0 
GWAYM1   3,099  -  0 
GWAYM2   4,425  -  0 
GWAYM3   1,100  -  0 
GWAYSB1   4,828  -  0 
GWAYSB2   5,325  -  0 
GWEWM1   1,340  -  0 
GWEWM2   3,945  -  0 
GWEWM3   2,695  -  0 
GWEWM4   2,694  -  0 
GWEYM1   1,760  -  0 
GWEYM2   5,803  -  0 

Services | Ghana Commodity Exchange

Provision of Daily Commodity Prices to Facilitate Trade

Provision of Daily Commodity Prices to Facilitate Trade

GCX will disseminate real time price information and market prices to traders through SMS messages, its websites, Newspapers and other media sources. This allows all market participants—even those who do not trade with GCX —to have a stronger negotiating position. A real-time price information system also enables policy makers to identify locations with surplus and helps combat food shortages on the national and regional levels.

Secured and reliable delivery locations

GCX warehouses will be fully equipped to deliver commodities within two days of transfer of ownership from the owner to a buyer. Transport will be arranged and commodities are checked before they go on transmit. GCX will ensure that a certificate of delivery is issued and is in conformity with that was sold to buyer. There will be a mechanism in place to resolve disputes associated with difference in what was sold to what was actually delivered.

Secured and reliable delivery locations

Capacity Building for farmers, traders, market actors

Capacity Building for farmers, traders, market actors

GCX will provide training to build the capacity of all market participants to enable them use the Exchange products. This is based on needs assessment and identification of each trader. The training will target to increase understanding in commodity marketing, commodity pricing, and commodity standards, trading by contacts, commodity safety issues, quality assurance etc.


The GCX’s trading platform and marketing system will connect buyers and sellers across Africa. Buyers can source for good quality grains that meet GCX standards at competitive prices. Sellers across Africa can place their grains on the GCX platform to attract the attention of buyers. GCX reduces the counterparty of the buyer and seller by becoming the central counterparty to each trade. Additionally, since GCX will provide real-time, accessible, and transparent price information, the price asymmetry that is characteristic of African agricultural markets will be reduced.